Data Import

Analyzing Data Online

NeuroExplorer can analyze data online during recording session. Plexon, Neuralynx, Alpha Omega and Blackrock recording systems are supported in online mode.

Import Data from Matlab and Excel

NeuroExplorer can also import data from text files and ‘flat’ binary files and get data from Matlab and Excel.

Data Acquisition Systems

NeuroExplorer can read native data files created by many popular data acquisition systems and spike sorters (see table below). In addition, several companies have implemented the export of recorded data as .nex or .nex5 files.

Data acquisition system Files with these extensions can be opened in NeuroExplorer
3Brain .brw, .bxr
Alpha Omega Engineering .isi, .lsm, .map, .mat, .mpx, .nda
Axion Biosystems .spk, .raw
Axon Instruments .abf
Binary file with continuous data (no specified extension, use File | Import Data | Binary File… menu command)
Blackrock Neurotech .nev, .ns1, .ns2, .ns3, .ns4, .ns5, .ns6, .ns7, .ns8, .ns9 (saved using file specification 2.X)
CED Spike-2 .smr, .smrx
Cortex (no specified extension, use File | Import | Cortex menu command)
DataWave Technologies .act, .cut, .dat, .edt, .uff
European Data Format .edf, .bdf
g.Tec Medical Engineering g.Recorder .hdf5
Intan Technologies .rhd, .rhs (time.dat, amplifier.dat and other .dat files are loaded automatically when an .rhd or .rhs file is open)
Kilosort .tsv, .npy
KlustaSuite spike sorting software .kwik
MED64 (Panasonic, Alpha MED Scientific) .csv, .modat
Multichannel Systems .mcd, .msrd
Neuralynx .dat, .nev, .ncs, .nse, .nst, .nts, .ntt, .nvt, .t
NeuroExplorer .nex, .nex5
Open ePhys .continuous, .events, .spikes
Plexon .ddt, .pl2, .plx
RC Electronics .prm
Ripple Neuro .nev, .nf1, .nf2, .nf3, .nf4, .nf5, .nf6, .nf7, .nf8, .nf9
Thomas Recording WAV file .wav
Tucker-Davis Technologies .sev, .tbk, .tdx, .tev, .tin, .tnt, .tsq
Text file with timestamps .txt
Text file with continuous data .txt