How to Specify Template Names

By default, the templates are stored in the directory:

C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\NeuroExplorer 5\Templates

where <USER> is your Windows user name.

You can also specify custom templates directory using Templates | Template Properties… menu command.

The following discussion assumes that you are using the default templates directory.

When the template name is specified as “PSTH”, for example:

ApplyTemplate(doc, "PSTH")

NeuroExplorer will use the following template file

C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\NeuroExplorer 5\Templates\PSTH.ntp

You can also specify the template name relative to the main templates folder.

For example, the template name “Grant\Auto.ntp” used in

ApplyTemplate(doc, "Grant\Auto.ntp")

means that the template file

C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\NeuroExplorer 5\Templates\Grant\Auto.ntp

will be used.

Finally, you can specify the absolute path of the template file.

In Python:

nex.ApplyTemplate(doc, "C:\\MyTemplates\\Auto.ntp")

In NexScript:

ApplyTemplate(doc, "C:\MyTemplates\Auto.ntp")