
For continuous variable, returns the fragment timestamp values in seconds. This method is valid only for continuous variables.

In general, a continuous variable may contain several fragments of data. Each fragment may be of a different length. NeuroExplorer does not store the timestamps for all the A/D values since they would use too much space. Instead, for each fragment, it stores the timestamp of the first A/D value in the fragment and the index of the first data point in the fragment. The timestamps of the first A/D value in each fragment are returned by this method.





Matlab Example

nex = actxserver('NeuroExplorer.Application');
doc = nex.OpenDocument('C:\Data\MyDataFile.nex');
% get the first continuous variable
cont1= doc.Continuous(1);
% get all the fragment timestamps
cont1FragmentTs = cont1.FragmentTimestamps();