Source code for nex5file.variables

from __future__ import annotations
from nex5file.headers import VariableHeader
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple
import hashlib

[docs] class NexFileVarType: """ Constants for .nex and .nex5 variable types. """ NEURON = 0 EVENT = 1 INTERVAL = 2 WAVEFORM = 3 POPULATION_VECTOR = 4 CONTINUOUS = 5 MARKER = 6
def MaxOfNumpyArrayOrZero(x): """ Compute the maximum value in a numpy array or return 0 if the array is empty. Parameters: x : array_like Input array. An array or array-like object containing numeric elements. Returns: float : The maximum value in the input array if it is not empty, or 0 if the array is empty. :meta private: """ if len(x) == 0: return 0 else: return np.max(x) def NumpyArraysEqual(a, b) -> bool: """ Returns true if numpy arrays equal. Parameters: a : numpy array b : numpy array to compare with 1 Returns: bool : True if numpy arrays equal. :meta private: """ return a.shape == b.shape and (a == b).all()
[docs] class Variable: """ Represents a variable stored in .nex of .nex5 file. """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} def __eq__(self, other: Variable) -> bool: return self.header.Name == other.header.Name
[docs] def Metadata(self) -> dict: """ Get the metadata associated with the variable. Returns: dict : A dictionary containing metadata about the variable (name, wire number for neurons etc.). """ return self.metadata
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp in seconds. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def Weights(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the population vector weights. Returns: List[float] :A copy of the weights as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def Timestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the timestamps in seconds. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the timestamps (in seconds) as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def Intervals(self) -> list: """ Get a list of intervals represented as two lists: the first list is a list of interval starts the second list is a list of interval ends Returns: List[List[float]] : a list of intervals represented as two lists. The first list is a list of interval starts. The second list is a list of interval ends. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def MarkerFieldNames(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the marker field names. Returns: List[str] : A copy of the marker field names. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def Markers(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the marker fields. Returns: List[List[str]] : A copy of the marker fields. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def SamplingRate(self) -> float: """ Get the sampling rate of the waveform. Returns: float : The sampling rate. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def NumPointsInWave(self) -> int: """ Get the number of points in the waveform. Returns: int : The number of points in the waveform. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def WaveformValues(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the waveform values. Returns: numpy array of type np.float32 : A copy of the waveform values as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def PreThresholdTime(self) -> float: """ Get the pre-threshold time. Returns: float : The pre-threshold time. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def ContinuousValues(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the continuous values in millivolts. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the continuous values as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def FragmentTimestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the fragment timestamps in seconds. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the fragment timestamps as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.") def FragmentCounts(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the fragment counts. Returns: numpy array of type np.int64 : A copy of the fragment counts as a numpy array. :meta private: """ raise NotImplementedError("Wrong variable type. This method is not available for this instance of Variable.")
[docs] class PopulationVector(Variable): """ Represents a population vector variable (a variable name and a list of weights). """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.weights = np.zeros(0) def __eq__(self, other: PopulationVector) -> bool: return self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.weights, other.weights)
[docs] def Weights(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the population vector weights. Returns: List[float] :A copy of the weights as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.weights)
def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the weights data. Returns: int : The total number of bytes used. """ return len(self.weights) * 8 def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the count of weights for header information. Returns: int : The number of weights. """ return len(self.weights)
[docs] class EventVariable(Variable): """ Represents an event variable (event name and a list of timestamps). """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.timestamps = np.zeros(0) def __eq__(self, other: EventVariable) -> bool: return self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.timestamps, other.timestamps)
[docs] def Timestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the timestamps in seconds. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the timestamps (in seconds) as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.timestamps)
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp value in seconds. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp or 0 if there are no timestamps. """ return MaxOfNumpyArrayOrZero(self.timestamps) def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the timestamps data. Returns: int : The total number of bytes to store the timestamps data. """ return self.header_for_writing.BytesInTimestamp() * len(self.timestamps) def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the number of timestamps for header information. Returns: int : The number of timestamps. """ return len(self.timestamps)
[docs] class NeuronVariable(EventVariable): """ Represents a neuron variable (a variable name, timestamps and wire and unit information). """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} if self.header.Version < 500: self.metadata["unitNumber"] = self.header.Unit self.metadata["probe"] = { "position": {"x": self.header.XPos, "y": self.header.YPos}, "wireNumber": self.header.Wire, } else: self.metadata["probe"] = {"position": {"x": 0, "y": 0}, "wireNumber": 0} self.metadata["unitNumber"] = 0 self.timestamps = np.zeros(0) def __eq__(self, other: NeuronVariable) -> bool: return ( self.header.Name == other.header.Name and self.header.Wire == other.header.Wire and self.header.Unit == other.header.Unit and self.header.XPos == other.header.XPos and self.header.YPos == other.header.YPos and NumpyArraysEqual(self.timestamps, other.timestamps) )
[docs] def Timestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the timestamps in seconds. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the timestamps (in seconds) as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.timestamps)
def _AssignFromVarMeta(self) -> None: if "unitNumber" in self.metadata: self.header.Unit = self.metadata["unitNumber"] if "probe" in self.metadata and "wireNumber" in self.metadata["probe"]: self.header.Wire = self.metadata["probe"]["wireNumber"] if ( "probe" in self.metadata and "position" in self.metadata["probe"] and "x" in self.metadata["probe"]["position"] ): self.header.XPos = self.metadata["probe"]["position"]["x"] if ( "probe" in self.metadata and "position" in self.metadata["probe"] and "y" in self.metadata["probe"]["position"] ): self.header.YPos = self.metadata["probe"]["position"]["y"]
[docs] class IntervalVariable(Variable): """ Represents an interval variable (a variable name and interval start and end times). """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.timestamps = np.zeros(0) self.interval_starts = np.zeros(0) self.interval_ends = np.zeros(0) def __eq__(self, other: IntervalVariable) -> bool: return ( self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.interval_starts, other.interval_starts) and NumpyArraysEqual(self.interval_ends, other.interval_ends) )
[docs] def Intervals(self) -> list: """ Get a list of intervals represented as two lists -- the first list is a list of interval starts, the second list is a list of interval ends. Returns: list : a list of intervals represented as two lists -- the first list is a list of interval starts, the second list is a list of interval ends. """ return [self.interval_starts.tolist(), self.interval_ends.tolist()]
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp among the end times of the intervals. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp among the end times or 0 if there are no intervals. """ return MaxOfNumpyArrayOrZero(self.interval_ends) def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the count of intervals for header information. Returns: int : The count of intervals. """ return len(self.interval_starts) def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the intervals data. Returns int : The total number of bytes used to store the intervals data. """ return self.header.BytesInTimestamp() * len(self.interval_starts) * 2
[docs] class MarkerVariable(Variable): """ Represents a marker variable with. Each marker is a timestamp with one or more associated string values. """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.timestamps = np.zeros(0) self.marker_field_names: list = [] self.marker_fields: list = [] def __eq__(self, other: MarkerVariable) -> bool: return ( self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.timestamps, other.timestamps) and self.marker_field_names == other.marker_field_names and self.marker_fields == other.marker_fields )
[docs] def Timestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the timestamps associated with the markers. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the timestamps as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.timestamps)
[docs] def MarkerFieldNames(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the marker field names. Returns: List[str] : A copy of the marker field names. """ return self.marker_field_names.copy()
[docs] def Markers(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the marker fields. Returns: List[List[str]] : A copy of the marker fields. """ return self.marker_fields.copy()
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp. """ return MaxOfNumpyArrayOrZero(self.timestamps) def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the number of markers for header information. Returns: int : The number of markers. """ return len(self.timestamps) def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the marker data and field names. Returns: int : The total number of bytes used. """ numMarkers = len(self.timestamps) return self.header_for_writing.BytesInTimestamp() * numMarkers + len(self.marker_field_names) * ( 64 + self.header_for_writing.MarkerLength * numMarkers ) def _AllMarkerValuesAreNumeric(self) -> bool: """ Check if all marker values are numeric. Returns: bool : True if all marker values can be converted to integers, False otherwise. """ for field in self.marker_fields: for s in field: try: int(s) except ValueError: return False return True def _IfNumberStringsStoreAsNumbers(self) -> None: """ If all marker values are numeric, convert number strings to integers. """ if self._AllMarkerValuesAreNumeric(): for i in range(len(self.marker_fields)): self.marker_fields[i] = [int(m) for m in self.marker_fields[i]] def _CalcMarkerLength(self) -> None: """ Calculate the maximum marker length and set data type. """ self.header.NMarkers = len(self.marker_field_names) if self._AllMarkerValuesAreNumeric(): self.header.MarkerLength = 6 self.header.MarkerDataType = 1 else: self.header.MarkerDataType = 0 maxStringLength = 0 for field in self.marker_fields: for s in field: if not isinstance(s, str): raise ValueError("marker values should be either all numbers or all strings") maxStringLength = max(maxStringLength, len(s)) self.header.MarkerLength = max(6, maxStringLength + 1)
[docs] class WaveformVariable(Variable): """ Represents a waveform variable (each waveform is a timestamps and array of waveform values). """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.timestamps = np.zeros(0) self.waveform_values = np.zeros(0) self.hashed_wave_values: str = "" def __eq__(self, other: WaveformVariable) -> bool: return ( self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.timestamps, other.timestamps) and NumpyArraysEqual(self.waveform_values, other.waveform_values) )
[docs] def SamplingRate(self) -> float: """ Get the sampling rate of the waveform. Returns: float : The sampling rate. """ return self.header.SamplingRate
[docs] def NumPointsInWave(self) -> int: """ Get the number of points in the waveform. Returns: int : The number of points in the waveform. """ return self.header.NPointsWave
[docs] def Timestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the timestamps. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the timestamps as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.timestamps)
[docs] def WaveformValues(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the waveform values. Returns: numpy array of type np.float32 : A copy of the waveform values as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.waveform_values)
[docs] def PreThresholdTime(self) -> float: """ Get the pre-threshold time. Returns: float : The pre-threshold time. """ return self.header.PreThrTime
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp of all data points in the variable. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp or 0 if there are no timestamps. """ if len(self.timestamps) == 0: return 0 return MaxOfNumpyArrayOrZero(self.timestamps) + (self.header.NPointsWave - 1) / self.header.SamplingRate def _AssignNumPointsWave(self): """ Assign the number of points in the waveform from the waveform values matrix. Raises: ValueError : If the waveform values matrix is invalid. """ if len(self.timestamps) == 0: return shape = np.shape(self.waveform_values) if shape[0] != len(self.timestamps) or shape[1] == 0: raise ValueError("invalid waveform values matrix") self.header.NPointsWave = shape[1] def _HashContValues(self) -> None: """ Hash the continuous waveform values to generate a unique identifier. """ b = self.waveform_values.view(np.uint8) self.hashed_wave_values = hashlib.sha1(b).hexdigest() def _ContScaling(self, contDataType: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate continuous scaling factors based on the continuous data type. Parameters: contDataType : int The continuous data type. Returns: Tuple[float, float] : A tuple containing the scaling factors (ADtoMV and MVOffset). """ if contDataType == 1 or len(self.timestamps) == 0: return 1.0, 0.0 else: # Return existing scaling if available # Hash is only calculated when loading var from file if len(self.hashed_wave_values) > 0: b = self.waveform_values.view(np.uint8) if hashlib.sha1(b).hexdigest() == self.hashed_wave_values: return self.header.ADtoMV, self.header.MVOffset contMax = np.max(np.abs(self.waveform_values)) if contMax == 0: return 1.0, 0.0 else: return contMax / 32767.0, 0.0 def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the number of timestamps for header information. Returns: int : The number of timestamps. """ return len(self.timestamps) def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the waveform data and timestamps. Returns: int : The total number of bytes used. """ return ( self.header_for_writing.BytesInTimestamp() * len(self.timestamps) + self.header_for_writing.BytesInContValue() * len(self.timestamps) * self.header.NPointsWave )
[docs] class ContinuousVariable(Variable): """ Represents a continuous variable. The variable contains continuous values and their timestamps. """ def __init__(self, varHeader: VariableHeader = VariableHeader()): self.header: VariableHeader = varHeader self.header_for_writing: VariableHeader = VariableHeader() self.metadata: dict = {"name": self.header.Name, "nameOriginal": self.header.Name} self.fragment_timestamps = np.zeros(0) self.fragment_indexes = np.zeros(0) self.fragment_counts = np.zeros(0) self.continuous_values = np.zeros(0) self.hashed_cont_values: str = "" def __eq__(self, other: ContinuousValues) -> bool: return ( self.header.Name == other.header.Name and NumpyArraysEqual(self.fragment_timestamps, other.fragment_timestamps) and NumpyArraysEqual(self.fragment_indexes, other.fragment_indexes) and NumpyArraysEqual(self.fragment_counts, other.fragment_counts) and NumpyArraysEqual(self.continuous_values.astype(np.float32), other.continuous_values.astype(np.float32)) )
[docs] def SamplingRate(self) -> float: """ Get the sampling rate of the continuous data. Returns: float : The sampling rate. """ return self.header.SamplingRate
[docs] def ContinuousValues(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the continuous values in millivolts. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the continuous values as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.continuous_values)
[docs] def FragmentTimestamps(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the fragment timestamps in seconds. Returns: numpy array of type np.float64 : A copy of the fragment timestamps as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.fragment_timestamps)
[docs] def FragmentCounts(self) -> list: """ Get a copy of the fragment counts. Returns: numpy array of type np.int64 : A copy of the fragment counts as a numpy array. """ return np.copy(self.fragment_counts)
def _HashContValues(self) -> None: """ Hash the continuous waveform values to generate a unique identifier. This is an internal method. """ b = self.continuous_values.view(np.uint8) self.hashed_cont_values = hashlib.sha1(b).hexdigest() def _CalculateFragmentsFromAllTimestamps(self, tsFreq: float) -> None: """ Calculate fragments of continuous data based on timestamps and a given timestamp frequency. Parameters: tsFreq : float The timestamp frequency. """ if len(self.fragment_timestamps) < 2: return # if cont freq is not a multiple of the main frequency, we cannot consolidate maxDiffToConsolidate = 0.000001 sr = self.header.SamplingRate if abs(round(tsFreq / sr) - (tsFreq / sr)) > maxDiffToConsolidate: return step = round(tsFreq / sr) # how many ticks between a/d values tsInTicks = np.round(self.fragment_timestamps * tsFreq) newFragmentTimestamps = [] newFragmentStarts = [] dataPointIndex = 0 newFragmentTimestamps.append(self.fragment_timestamps[0]) newFragmentStarts.append(dataPointIndex) expectedTimestampOfNextFragment = tsInTicks[0] + step for i in range(1, len(tsInTicks)): dataPointIndex += 1 diff = tsInTicks[i] - expectedTimestampOfNextFragment if tsInTicks[i] - expectedTimestampOfNextFragment != 0: newFragmentTimestamps.append(self.fragment_timestamps[i]) newFragmentStarts.append(dataPointIndex) expectedTimestampOfNextFragment = tsInTicks[i] + step self.fragment_timestamps = np.array(newFragmentTimestamps) self.fragment_indexes = np.array(newFragmentStarts).astype(np.uint32) self._CalculateFragmentCountsFromIndexes() def _CalculateFragmentCountsFromIndexes(self) -> None: """ Calculate fragment counts from fragment indexes. """ fragmentCounts = [] for frag in range(len(self.fragment_indexes)): if frag < len(self.fragment_indexes) - 1: count = self.fragment_indexes[frag + 1] - self.fragment_indexes[frag] else: count = len(self.continuous_values) - self.fragment_indexes[frag] fragmentCounts.append(count) self.fragment_counts = np.array(fragmentCounts).astype(np.int64) def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp of all the values. Returns: float : The maximum timestamp or 0 if there are no fragment timestamps. """ if len(self.fragment_timestamps) == 0: return 0 return self.fragment_timestamps[-1] + (self.fragment_counts[-1] - 1) / self.header.SamplingRate def _ContScaling(self, contDataType: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate continuous scaling factors based on the continuous data type. Parameters: contDataType : int The continuous data type. Returns: Tuple[float, float] : A tuple containing the scaling factors (ADtoMV and MVOffset). """ if contDataType == 1 or len(self.continuous_values) == 0: return 1.0, 0.0 else: # Return existing if available # Hash is only calculated when loading var from file # or when adding continuous variable using 16 bit values if len(self.hashed_cont_values) > 0: b = self.continuous_values.view(np.uint8) if hashlib.sha1(b).hexdigest() == self.hashed_cont_values: return self.header.ADtoMV, self.header.MVOffset contMax = np.max(np.abs(self.continuous_values)) if contMax == 0: return 1.0, 0.0 else: return contMax / 32767.0, 0.0 def _CountForHeader(self) -> int: """ Get the number of fragment timestamps for header information. Returns: int : The number of fragment timestamps. """ return len(self.fragment_timestamps) def _BytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes used to store the continuous data, fragment timestamps, and fragment indexes. Returns: int : The total number of bytes used. """ return (self.header_for_writing.BytesInTimestamp() + self.header_for_writing.BytesInFragmentIndex()) * len( self.fragment_timestamps ) + self.header_for_writing.BytesInContValue() * len(self.continuous_values)