Source code for nex5file.filedata

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
from nex5file.headers import VariableHeader
from nex5file.variables import (
import numpy as np

[docs] class FileData: """ FileData: Class for Managing Data in .nex and .nex5 Data Files. Parameters: timestamp_frequencyHz (float): The timestamp frequency in Hertz. Defaults to 100,000 Hertz. Raises: ValueError: If timestamp_frequencyHz is less than or equal to 0. Example: :: from nex5file.filedata import FileData # Create a FileData instance with a custom timestamp frequency file_data = FileData(timestamp_frequencyHz=50000, comment="Sample Data") # Add an event variable to the data file_data.AddEvent("EventVariable", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) # Retrieve a variable by name event_var = file_data["EventVariable"] # Get the timestamp frequency timestamp_frequency = file_data.GetTimestampFrequency() """ def __init__(self, tsFrequency: float = 10000, comment: str = ""): if tsFrequency <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid timestamp frequency") self.timestamp_frequencyHz: float = tsFrequency self.comment: str = comment self.beg_seconds: float = 0 self.end_seconds: float = 0 self.metadata: dict = {} self.variables: list = [] def __eq__(self, other: FileData) -> bool: return ( self.timestamp_frequencyHz == other.timestamp_frequencyHz and self.comment == other.comment and self.beg_seconds == other.beg_seconds and self.end_seconds == other.end_seconds and self.variables == other.variables ) def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> Variable: for var in self.variables: if var.header.Name == index: return var raise ValueError(f'unable to find variable "{index}" in file data') def _AddVariable(self, theVar: Variable) -> None: """ Add a Variable to the FileData instance. This is an internal method of FileData class. Parameters: theVar (Variable): The variable to add. Raises: ValueError: If theVar's type is negative or its name is empty or if a variable with the same name already exists in the FileData instance. """ if theVar.header.Type < 0 or theVar.header.Name == "": raise ValueError(f"unable to add variable. Variable is invalid") for var in self.variables: if var.header.Name == theVar.header.Name: raise ValueError( f'unable to add variable with name "{var.header.Name}". Variable with this name already exists' ) self.variables.append(theVar) self.end_seconds = self._MaximumTimestamp()
[docs] def DeleteVariable(self, name: str) -> None: """ Delete a variable from the FileData instance by its name. Parameters: name (str): The name of the Variable to be deleted. Raises: ValueError: If no Variable with the specified name exists in the FileData instance. """ var = self.__getitem__(name) self.variables.remove(var)
[docs] def GetDocComment(self) -> str: """ Get the comment of the FileData instance. Returns: str: The comment of the FileData instance. """ return self.comment
[docs] def GetTimestampFrequency(self) -> float: """ Get the timestamp frequency of the FileData instance in Hertz. Returns: float: The timestamp frequency in Hertz. """ return self.timestamp_frequencyHz
[docs] def GetDocStartTime(self) -> float: """ Get the start time of the data in the FileData instance in seconds. Returns: float: The start time in seconds. """ return self.beg_seconds
[docs] def GetDocEndTime(self) -> float: """ Get the end time of the data in the FileData instance in seconds. Returns: float: The end time in seconds. """ return self.end_seconds
def _VarNames(self, varType: NexFileVarType) -> list: """ Get a list of variable names of a specific type in the FileData instance. This is an internal method of FileData class. Parameters: varType (NexFileVarType): The type of variables to retrieve. Returns: List[str]: A list of variable names of the specified type. """ names = [] for var in self.variables: if var.header.Type == varType: names.append(var.header.Name) return names
[docs] def NeuronNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of neuron variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of neuron variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.NEURON)
[docs] def EventNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of event variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of event variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.EVENT)
[docs] def IntervalNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of interval variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of interval variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.INTERVAL)
[docs] def WaveNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of waveform variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of waveform variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.WAVEFORM)
[docs] def MarkerNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of marker variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of marker variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.MARKER)
[docs] def ContinuousNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of continuous variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of continuous variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.CONTINUOUS)
[docs] def PopVectorNames(self) -> list: """ Get the list of population vector variable names in the FileData instance. Returns: List[str]: A list of population vector variable names. """ return self._VarNames(NexFileVarType.POPULATION_VECTOR)
def _MaximumTimestamp(self) -> float: """ Get the maximum timestamp among all variables in the FileData instance. Returns: float: The maximum timestamp found in the FileData instance (in seconds). """ maxTs = 0 for v in self.variables: maxTs = max(maxTs, v._MaximumTimestamp()) return maxTs def _NumberOfBytesInData(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of bytes required to save data of all variables. Returns: int: the total number of bytes required to save data of all variables. """ sum = 0 for v in self.variables: sum += v._BytesInData() return sum
[docs] def AddEvent(self, evName: str, evTimestamps: list) -> None: """ Add an event variable to the FileData instance. Parameters: evName (str): The name of the event variable. evTimestamps (List[float]): Event timestamps in seconds. Example: :: file_data.AddEvent("EventVariable", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) """ h = VariableHeader(Type=NexFileVarType.EVENT, Name=evName) ev = EventVariable(h) ev.timestamps = np.array(evTimestamps) self.variables.append(ev)
[docs] def AddNeuron( self, nrName: str, nrTimestamps: list, wire: int = 0, unit: int = 0, xPosition: float = 0, yPosition: float = 0, ) -> None: """ Add a neuron variable to the FileData instance. Parameters: nrName (str): The name of the neuron variable. nrTimestamps (List[float]): Neuron timestamps in seconds. wire (int): The wire number. Defaults to 0. unit (int): The unit number. Defaults to 0. xPosition (float): The x-position in range [0,100]. Defaults to 0. yPosition (float): The y-position in range [0,100]. Defaults to 0. Example: :: file_data.AddNeuron("NeuronVariable", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) """ h = VariableHeader( Type=NexFileVarType.NEURON, Name=nrName, Wire=wire, Unit=unit, XPos=xPosition, YPos=yPosition ) nr = NeuronVariable(h) nr.timestamps = np.array(nrTimestamps) self._AddVariable(nr)
[docs] def AddIntervalAsPairsStartEnd(self, intName: str, intervalsAsPairs) -> None: """ Add an interval variable to the FileData instance using start and end pairs. Parameters: intName (str): The name of the interval variable. intervalsAsPairs (list of tuples): List of interval start and end pairs in seconds. Example: :: intervals = [(0.0, 1.0), (1.5, 2.0)] file_data.AddIntervalAsPairsStartEnd("IntervalVariable", intervals) """ h = VariableHeader(Type=NexFileVarType.INTERVAL, Name=intName) starts = [] ends = [] for interval in intervalsAsPairs: starts.append(interval[0]) ends.append(interval[1]) intVar = IntervalVariable(h) intVar.interval_starts = np.array(starts) intVar.interval_ends = np.array(ends) self._AddVariable(intVar)
[docs] def AddMarker(self, markerName, timestamps: list, fieldNames: list, fields): """ Add a marker variable to the FileData instance. Parameters: markerName (str): The name of the marker variable. timestamps (List[float]): The timestamps in seconds. fieldNames (List[str]): The names of marker fields. fields (list): List of marker fields. Each element of the list contains values for a field. Raises: ValueError: If the number of field names does not match the number of fields or if the length of any field does not match the length of timestamps. Example: :: field_names = ["Field1", "Field2"] fields = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 'abc']] file_data.AddMarker("MarkerVariable", [0.0, 1.0], field_names, fields) """ if not len(fieldNames) == len(fields): raise ValueError("invalid marker parameters") for f in fields: if not len(f) == len(timestamps): raise ValueError("invalid marker parameters") h = VariableHeader(Type=NexFileVarType.MARKER, Name=markerName, NMarkers=len(fieldNames)) markerVar = MarkerVariable(h) markerVar.timestamps = np.array(timestamps) markerVar.marker_field_names = fieldNames markerVar.marker_fields = fields self._AddVariable(markerVar)
[docs] def AddContVarWithFloatsSingleFragment( self, contName: str, samplingRate: float, startTimestamp: float, contValues: list ) -> None: """ Add a continuous variable with float values and a single fragment to the FileData instance. Parameters: contName (str): The name of the continuous variable. samplingRate (float): The sampling rate of the continuous variable in Hertz. startTimestamp (float): The timestamp at the start of the first fragment in seconds. contValues (List[float]): The continuous values in millivolts. Example: :: file_data.AddContVarWithFloatsSingleFragment("ContVariable", 1000.0, 0.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) """ if samplingRate < 0 or samplingRate > self.timestamp_frequencyHz: raise ValueError( "invalid sampling rate: the rate should be positive and less than FileData timestamp frequency" ) if isinstance(startTimestamp, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("invalid startTimestamp: should be a single value, not a list") h = VariableHeader( Type=NexFileVarType.CONTINUOUS, Name=contName, SamplingRate=samplingRate, NPointsWave=len(contValues), ContDataType=1, ADtoMV=1.0, ) cont = ContinuousVariable(h) cont.fragment_timestamps = np.array([startTimestamp]) cont.fragment_indexes = np.array([0]) cont.continuous_values = np.array(contValues) cont._CalculateFragmentCountsFromIndexes() self._AddVariable(cont)
[docs] def AddContSingleFragmentValuesInt16( self, contName: str, samplingRate: float, startTimestamp: float, contValuesAsInt16: list, rawToMV: float, rawOffset: float, ) -> None: """ Add a continuous variable with a single fragment by specifying int16 values and scaling to the FileData instance. Parameters: contName (str): The name of the continuous variable. samplingRate (float): The sampling rate of the continuous variable in Hertz. startTimestamp (float): The timestamp at the start of the first fragment in seconds. contValuesAsInt16 (numpy array of type np.int16): The continuous values as int16 values. rawToMV (float): Conversion factor from AD units to millivolts (millivolts). rawOffset (float): Offset in millivolts. Example: :: file_data.AddContSingleFragmentValuesInt16("ContVariable", 1000.0, 0.0, [100, 200, 300], 0.1, 0.0) """ if samplingRate < 0 or samplingRate > self.timestamp_frequencyHz: raise ValueError( "invalid sampling rate: the rate should be positive and less than FileData timestamp frequency" ) if isinstance(startTimestamp, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("invalid startTimestamp: should be a single value, not a list") h = VariableHeader( Type=NexFileVarType.CONTINUOUS, Name=contName, SamplingRate=samplingRate, NPointsWave=len(contValuesAsInt16), ADtoMV=rawToMV, MVOffset=rawOffset, ContDataType=0, ) # scale cont values values = np.array(contValuesAsInt16) * rawToMV + rawOffset cont = ContinuousVariable(h) cont.fragment_timestamps = np.array([startTimestamp]) cont.fragment_indexes = np.array([0]) cont.continuous_values = values cont._CalculateFragmentCountsFromIndexes() cont._HashContValues() self._AddVariable(cont)
[docs] def AddContVarWithFloatsAllTimestamps( self, contName: str, samplingRate: float, allTimestamps: list, contValues: list, ) -> None: """ Add a continuous variable with float values and all the timestamps to the data. Parameters: contName (str): The name of the continuous variable. samplingRate (float): The sampling rate of the continuous variable in Hertz. allTimestamps (numpy array of type np.float64): The timestamps for all data points in seconds. contValues (numpy array of type np.float32): The continuous values in millivolts. Example: :: timestamps = [0.0, 0.001, 0.002] values = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] file_data.AddContVarWithFloatsAllTimestamps("ContVariable", 1000.0, timestamps, values) """ if samplingRate < 0 or samplingRate > self.timestamp_frequencyHz: raise ValueError( "invalid sampling rate: the rate should be positive and less than FileData timestamp frequency" ) if len(allTimestamps) != len(contValues): raise ValueError("invalid timestamps and values (both arrays should be the same length)") h = VariableHeader( Type=NexFileVarType.CONTINUOUS, Name=contName, SamplingRate=samplingRate, NPointsWave=len(contValues), ContDataType=1, ) cont = ContinuousVariable(h) cont.fragment_timestamps = np.array(allTimestamps) cont.continuous_values = np.array(contValues) cont._CalculateFragmentsFromAllTimestamps(self.timestamp_frequencyHz) cont._CalculateFragmentCountsFromIndexes() self.variables.append(cont)
[docs] def AddWaveVarWithFloats( self, waveName: str, samplingRate: float, timestamps: list, waveValues: list, ) -> None: """ Add a waveform variable with float values to the data. Parameters: waveName (str): The name of the waveform variable. samplingRate (float): The sampling rate of the waveform variable in Hertz. timestamps (numpy array of type np.float64): The timestamps in seconds. waveValues (numpy array of type np.float32): The waveform values as a numpy array. Each column represents a waveform. Example: :: wave_name = "WaveformVariable" sampling_rate = 1000.0 # Hertz timestamps = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0] wave_values = [[2, 3, 4, 1], [5, 6, 7, 2] file_data.AddWaveVarWithFloats(wave_name, sampling_rate, timestamps, wave_values) """ if samplingRate < 0 or samplingRate > self.timestamp_frequencyHz: raise ValueError( "invalid sampling rate: the rate should be positive and less than FileData timestamp frequency" ) h = VariableHeader( Type=NexFileVarType.WAVEFORM, Name=waveName, SamplingRate=samplingRate, ContDataType=1, ) wave = WaveformVariable(h) wave.timestamps = np.array(timestamps) wave.waveform_values = np.array(waveValues) wave._AssignNumPointsWave() self._AddVariable(wave)
MakeFileVar = { NexFileVarType.EVENT: EventVariable, NexFileVarType.NEURON: NeuronVariable, NexFileVarType.INTERVAL: IntervalVariable, NexFileVarType.MARKER: MarkerVariable, NexFileVarType.WAVEFORM: WaveformVariable, NexFileVarType.CONTINUOUS: ContinuousVariable, NexFileVarType.POPULATION_VECTOR: PopulationVector, }